The second installment of iTunes Shuffle all challenge. I've added another 30 or 40 songs since the last time bringing the overall total of possible tracks to 4,860. I also decided to rate the songs on a 1- 10 scale to gauge them.
Death of a Martian- Red Hot Chili Peppers. I don't think I've heard this song before, but it sounds boorishly familiar. Sadly a lot of the slower songs on this album sound a lot a like. It reminds me of the early 2000's punk pop that sounded so much alike. It's not a bad song, but it's also not a good song nor does it do anything to distinguish itself from the other lame songs on this album. Anthony Kedis and the guys wrote way better music when they were addicted to herion, but I guess it's kind of selfish to hope for a relapse. I'll just go listen to Mother's Milk later instead. Very Meh. 4

Your Home- Jimmy Eat World. I like this song. It has a catchy beat and I used to play the whole CD on drives from Austin to Dallas. If I were to hear it for the first time now I probably wouldn't have the same reaction but I still like it. It starts to pick up in the 3rd section where he breaks the melody like chorus that was part of the first two sections of the song. Average 5
Enemy of The World- Four Year Strong. The most brittle viking in the world, Austin Erikson, gave me this CD. I loved it right when I heard it. Kind of like Comeback Kid and the whole Victory records scene around 2004, they sing fast and loud but you can understand the lyrics pretty well so it isn't too Scream-O. It's a nice pick me up from the other two slow songs. Also a good showing from a more obscure band that most people won't know. It makes me want to go bomb down some trails on my mountain bike or start skating again. 6
Kill Yourself- Timbaland. I think shuffle played this one last time (checked). Yup. What the hell iTunes,4,860 songs in my library and you play the same one I listened to last time on shuffle all. I'm not sure how I felt about it last time but right now I'm over it. The creepy opera style in the back ground works since it's All Hallow's Eve (as horror movies call it) but right now it just isn't doing it for me. 4
It's All Good- DMX. Hell Yes, I love this song. I was in the Army when "Flesh of my Flesh" came out and we wore it out in the barracks. So many good tracks; 'Damien' with Marilyn Manson, 'Ain't No Way', and 'Slipping'. Not really a lot to it but I do like it, not the best one on the CD but I have good memories or riding around with Sanders listening to this. Ah DMX, too bad he's sitting in jail in Arizona now for stealing a kit kat or something else stupid. Poor Earl.... 6
Blind- The Getaway People. This was one of Yulie's CD's she gave me when they burned everything to an external hard drive. I added about 15 hispanic CD's, this one, and a few other random CD's that I figured why not. Hearing it for the first time I guess it's alright. I don't really know what to think about it. Maybe like Jamiroquai or something like that when the white dudes were trying to sound Jamaican and do a flow kind of rap and light rock sound but not really do or say anything? I don't know really how to explain it. Yup, there is a Jamaican singing right now, I knew it would happen. I bet this dude grew up in the upper middle class suburnd of his state state and said "Mon" a lot while wearing a reggae beanie with a Bob Marley shirt. It's just boring enough to still play on Jack FM. 3
Snapbacks and Tattoos- Drizzy Graham. Ya, a good song! Such a killer club song. Nemo and I used to jam this a couple summers ago when it came out. I never heard anything else he put out but this one was tight. Tattoo's I like, snapback hats aren't that cool. Bringing back an inferior product isn't something I really care for. I'll still play this and shake the shoulders when I hear it come on. "Nice whips, fly chicks, all that cause cash rules. Show off your hats, show off your tats". Listening now I'm pretty sure the bass was the sole reason I received a noise complaint the second night I moved in during pants off dance off time. 7
Her Voice Resides- Bullet For My Valentine. Scream-O makes it's first appearance on the list. Tears don't Cry was a favorite of mine in 2009. Now it's good as a novelty when I'm in certain moods or SAS is driving me cra. Next.... 6
Pennyroyal Tea (Live)- Nirvana. Nirvana was another band that I had to come back around to. I saw them in the 5th grade live and then BOOM everyone went from MC Hammer to Nirvana. I didn't like that, I liked it better when there were a few of us that loved Soundgarden, Pear Jam, Primus, and Nirvana. Then everyone in the world fell in love with everything out of the Seattle scene. Smells Like Teen Spirit is still on my shit list for being on everyone else's "best of" list. It was groundbreaking but I also liked so many of their other songs (Rape Me, Lithium) better. This unplugged album is fantastic, my favorite song is the cover of 'The Man Who Sold The World'. Eventually I'm sure I will be able to listen to 'Smells Like Teen Spirit', but right now its sitting at table 9 with Pearl Jam's 'Jeremy' and 'Black Hole Sun' from Soundgarden.
A Decade Under the Influence (Live from Bamboozle)- Taking Back Sunday. Probably my favorite band of all time. I have every album and I've seen them in concert more than anyone else. "To hell with you and all your friends.... I've got a bad feeling about this.... Close your eyes, just settle, settle." Mustache Andrew and I went to the show a few years back at the Palladium Ballroom with Amberlin opening and All American Rejects headlining, as always, Adam (the lead singer) put on a great show for the local fans. I took Riki and she wore gloves that said "Talk Shit" on the right hand and "Get Hit" on the left hand. She also had 4 shots of Jack and 4 beers before Amberlin was finished opening and throwing up before TBS came on stage. I think we all had a great time ;) 9
Counterfeit- Limp Bizkit. I have a confession. I still listen to Limp Bizkit on a weekly basis. 'My Generation' and 'Break Shit' are on my running playlist. Early in the year my friends David, Nathan, and I went to the concert at House of Blues as well. I had zero expectations going into the show but LOVED every minute of it. Fred must be close to 300 lbs right now, he was wearing a hoody, pants, MX gloves, and a Red Texas Rangers Hat. Wes was painted all in black with an LED mardi gras mask but still had his guitar skills. They played this song and the crowd was going wild. I think they only played one or two songs from albums after the Chocolate Starfish and they covered Rage Against the Machine's 'Killing in The Name of'. What can say, I'm still a closeted Limp Bizkit fan. 9
Goodnight Elizabeth- Counting Crows. In the early 2000's I saw Counting Crows and Live at the Bronco Bowl on my birthday. The company was perfect and the show was great; things came together magically. That's what I feel when I hear Counting Crows. 'Angels of the Silences' is probably my favorite song of theirs followed closely by 'Walkaways', 'Colorblind' from Cruel Intentions is also a very intimate favorite of mine. Definitely an underrated band thanks to their horrible 'Big Yellow Taxi' cover, those stupid dreadlocks, and 'Mr. Jones' being over played a thousand times. 7
Numerate- Circle Traps. Ummmm.... I don't know how this got on my computer but it's just kind of basic Electronica. Not too UNTZ, UNTZ, UNTZ. More of the background to a scene with cars racing in the city or multiple shots in fast a Bourne Movie. Still better than some of the stuff that's been queued. 6
Death of a Martian- Red Hot Chili Peppers. I don't think I've heard this song before, but it sounds boorishly familiar. Sadly a lot of the slower songs on this album sound a lot a like. It reminds me of the early 2000's punk pop that sounded so much alike. It's not a bad song, but it's also not a good song nor does it do anything to distinguish itself from the other lame songs on this album. Anthony Kedis and the guys wrote way better music when they were addicted to herion, but I guess it's kind of selfish to hope for a relapse. I'll just go listen to Mother's Milk later instead. Very Meh. 4

Your Home- Jimmy Eat World. I like this song. It has a catchy beat and I used to play the whole CD on drives from Austin to Dallas. If I were to hear it for the first time now I probably wouldn't have the same reaction but I still like it. It starts to pick up in the 3rd section where he breaks the melody like chorus that was part of the first two sections of the song. Average 5
Enemy of The World- Four Year Strong. The most brittle viking in the world, Austin Erikson, gave me this CD. I loved it right when I heard it. Kind of like Comeback Kid and the whole Victory records scene around 2004, they sing fast and loud but you can understand the lyrics pretty well so it isn't too Scream-O. It's a nice pick me up from the other two slow songs. Also a good showing from a more obscure band that most people won't know. It makes me want to go bomb down some trails on my mountain bike or start skating again. 6
Kill Yourself- Timbaland. I think shuffle played this one last time (checked). Yup. What the hell iTunes,4,860 songs in my library and you play the same one I listened to last time on shuffle all. I'm not sure how I felt about it last time but right now I'm over it. The creepy opera style in the back ground works since it's All Hallow's Eve (as horror movies call it) but right now it just isn't doing it for me. 4
It's All Good- DMX. Hell Yes, I love this song. I was in the Army when "Flesh of my Flesh" came out and we wore it out in the barracks. So many good tracks; 'Damien' with Marilyn Manson, 'Ain't No Way', and 'Slipping'. Not really a lot to it but I do like it, not the best one on the CD but I have good memories or riding around with Sanders listening to this. Ah DMX, too bad he's sitting in jail in Arizona now for stealing a kit kat or something else stupid. Poor Earl.... 6
Blind- The Getaway People. This was one of Yulie's CD's she gave me when they burned everything to an external hard drive. I added about 15 hispanic CD's, this one, and a few other random CD's that I figured why not. Hearing it for the first time I guess it's alright. I don't really know what to think about it. Maybe like Jamiroquai or something like that when the white dudes were trying to sound Jamaican and do a flow kind of rap and light rock sound but not really do or say anything? I don't know really how to explain it. Yup, there is a Jamaican singing right now, I knew it would happen. I bet this dude grew up in the upper middle class suburnd of his state state and said "Mon" a lot while wearing a reggae beanie with a Bob Marley shirt. It's just boring enough to still play on Jack FM. 3
Snapbacks and Tattoos- Drizzy Graham. Ya, a good song! Such a killer club song. Nemo and I used to jam this a couple summers ago when it came out. I never heard anything else he put out but this one was tight. Tattoo's I like, snapback hats aren't that cool. Bringing back an inferior product isn't something I really care for. I'll still play this and shake the shoulders when I hear it come on. "Nice whips, fly chicks, all that cause cash rules. Show off your hats, show off your tats". Listening now I'm pretty sure the bass was the sole reason I received a noise complaint the second night I moved in during pants off dance off time. 7
Her Voice Resides- Bullet For My Valentine. Scream-O makes it's first appearance on the list. Tears don't Cry was a favorite of mine in 2009. Now it's good as a novelty when I'm in certain moods or SAS is driving me cra. Next.... 6
Pennyroyal Tea (Live)- Nirvana. Nirvana was another band that I had to come back around to. I saw them in the 5th grade live and then BOOM everyone went from MC Hammer to Nirvana. I didn't like that, I liked it better when there were a few of us that loved Soundgarden, Pear Jam, Primus, and Nirvana. Then everyone in the world fell in love with everything out of the Seattle scene. Smells Like Teen Spirit is still on my shit list for being on everyone else's "best of" list. It was groundbreaking but I also liked so many of their other songs (Rape Me, Lithium) better. This unplugged album is fantastic, my favorite song is the cover of 'The Man Who Sold The World'. Eventually I'm sure I will be able to listen to 'Smells Like Teen Spirit', but right now its sitting at table 9 with Pearl Jam's 'Jeremy' and 'Black Hole Sun' from Soundgarden.
A Decade Under the Influence (Live from Bamboozle)- Taking Back Sunday. Probably my favorite band of all time. I have every album and I've seen them in concert more than anyone else. "To hell with you and all your friends.... I've got a bad feeling about this.... Close your eyes, just settle, settle." Mustache Andrew and I went to the show a few years back at the Palladium Ballroom with Amberlin opening and All American Rejects headlining, as always, Adam (the lead singer) put on a great show for the local fans. I took Riki and she wore gloves that said "Talk Shit" on the right hand and "Get Hit" on the left hand. She also had 4 shots of Jack and 4 beers before Amberlin was finished opening and throwing up before TBS came on stage. I think we all had a great time ;) 9
Counterfeit- Limp Bizkit. I have a confession. I still listen to Limp Bizkit on a weekly basis. 'My Generation' and 'Break Shit' are on my running playlist. Early in the year my friends David, Nathan, and I went to the concert at House of Blues as well. I had zero expectations going into the show but LOVED every minute of it. Fred must be close to 300 lbs right now, he was wearing a hoody, pants, MX gloves, and a Red Texas Rangers Hat. Wes was painted all in black with an LED mardi gras mask but still had his guitar skills. They played this song and the crowd was going wild. I think they only played one or two songs from albums after the Chocolate Starfish and they covered Rage Against the Machine's 'Killing in The Name of'. What can say, I'm still a closeted Limp Bizkit fan. 9
Goodnight Elizabeth- Counting Crows. In the early 2000's I saw Counting Crows and Live at the Bronco Bowl on my birthday. The company was perfect and the show was great; things came together magically. That's what I feel when I hear Counting Crows. 'Angels of the Silences' is probably my favorite song of theirs followed closely by 'Walkaways', 'Colorblind' from Cruel Intentions is also a very intimate favorite of mine. Definitely an underrated band thanks to their horrible 'Big Yellow Taxi' cover, those stupid dreadlocks, and 'Mr. Jones' being over played a thousand times. 7
Numerate- Circle Traps. Ummmm.... I don't know how this got on my computer but it's just kind of basic Electronica. Not too UNTZ, UNTZ, UNTZ. More of the background to a scene with cars racing in the city or multiple shots in fast a Bourne Movie. Still better than some of the stuff that's been queued. 6
And with that I think I'm done for the night. I just downloaded some songs from The Glitch Mob off their Drink the Sea release and I'm going to listen to them as I put up laundry. By the way, when the hell is my dryer from the Jetsons coming that folds or hangs my clothes right from the start arriving? I want that! We can synthesize the human genome but we can't make a dryer that does the word chore ever for you? If any one wants to do this for me I'll do your ironing, I don't mind ironing, but putting up clothes is the Bane of my existence. Never mind, I'm not going to put up laundry, I'm going to watch Vice TV. You're my hero Shane Smith!
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