Lists are fun, everyone like lists. For most people a list gives them a hierarchy they accept and feel comfortable with. Part of my job entails ranking things and devising metrics to determine quality and SLA for the better part of a day. Right now developing and analyzing scorecards is taking up the majority of my day which means I'm going to make a list of things that don't correlate or have necessarily have anything in common but scoring this is on my mind. I present to you a list of things that I like along with some things that I either don't like or understand.
"OK everyone likes wings, right? Well, we know Wing Stop, Pluckers, and even that sub par shit Buffalo Wild Wings is putting out is making a killing. So we're going to offer the more expensive elementary school cafeteria made version of wings. BUT, BUT, BUT we're going to call them mighty wings and pay Alex Kapernick a shit load of money to act like they're edible.
Like/ Love/ Appreciate
Ramen- It's still fantastic. I got hooked as a kid since it was cheap and we didn't have a lot of money growing up. I learned to trick it up really quickly by adding chili powder, cooked chicken, maybe some cilantro and garlic powder, just about anything to make it the same but slightly different. It's also the best $0.20 you will ever spend in your life. When those save the kids in Africa commercials come on and tell you that you can feed a child for $0.40 a day, she's buying those kids 2 packs of beef ramen with your donation. If there was a Mr. & Mrs. Ramen and they had a daughter I would track her down and marry her to be heir to the Ramen kingdom. All the Ramen I could ever eat sounds magical. Then I could get those special ramen flavors like chili lime that are hard to find to give as stocking stuffers to my friends that I like and I'd give away all the creamy chicken flavor to people as white elephant gifts or to people I don't care for. Creamy chicken sucks, I hate that flavor. Not even Melinda's Naga Ghost sauce can make it edible.
Red Wine that's not Merlot- Cab, Pinot, Chianti, Rioja, Tempranillo, Port, Red Blends, Syrah, and just about anything else besides Merlot is wonderful. I'm really digging the Spanish reds right now. Specifically this 2008 Vina Eguia from Spain. I have 3 bottles of it in wine fridge and I keep buying more of it; I'm afraid the place where I get it from will run out soon. It's not even an expensive wine, I just love it! I have this hope that at some point I'll date an introspective chick who will like to come over to discuss life as we drink some red wine with Portishead playing in the back ground. For this imaginary chick I'll break out the Vina Eguia, until then I'm giving you the bottle of cupcake Merlot Sadah brought over that's sitting at the bottom of the wine fridge to drink when you come over....
Tall Places- I like being up high (not being high). The view from the Signature bar at The Hancock building in Chicago is one of my favorite places in the world to go for drinks. I love climbing mountains, sky diving, looking out the window of a plane, and I think that's why I live on the 14th floor. It's nice to sit on my balcony and hear the city while watching the view below.
My friend's wife is deathly afraid of heights. I'll send her pictures of people rockclimbing or on a high wire and she gets nervous. The weird thing is she loves to ride roller coasters- her husband is deathly afraid of roller coasters but has no fear of heights. I guess Paula Abdul and MC Skat Kat were right, opposites do attract.
Puma Golf Clothes- Ricky Fowler has a good pulse of what the younger generation likes to wear. Even on solid color items he does it right. A flat bill hat, good stripe combos, plaids that are a little crazy, a bottle opener on the belt, you name and he did it. I smile when I see an old man rocking it on the course; he's getting shit from his fellow WWII soldiers as he has on a pink and purple argyle shirt with teal pants trying to convince his khaki clad friends he's hip.
The Speed round:
Casio G-Shock Watches
Tomato soup w a Brie/ Munster grilled cheese
The color green. Yes, the color
South Park
Goofy girls
Day of the Dead (Dia De Los Muertos) Art
my Day of the Dead skeleton wine opener
Anything flat black murdered out
The Chive
Marmut jackets
Laffy Taffy Jokes
Girls in beanies (it's starting to get cold after all)
Working from home
(whispers)... Rumple.... shhhh... I should probably do a few entries titled The Rumple Diaries about all the crazy things I've done or that have happened when Rumple was in play.
Hate/ Confused about/ Not for me
Facial Hair- Definitely not for me. I'm blonde and I've always thought blonde people with facial hair look like pedophiles. It's an uncomfortable sight to see that much blonde hair on someone, auto pedo alert. Some people can make it look really good and do it year round. A friend of mine can look like a hipster conquistador in no time flat along with another who pulls off Wyatt Earp with ease. They both look good and it works on them. Me, not so much.....
McDonalds- They don't have good food. In fact they take an item that's good at the place you would normally go and suck the flavor out. I think the board room pitch for their latest menu offering went something like this:

No way, it won't work.
Yes it will. Remember that shit sandwich we called the Southern Chicken Sandwich after Chick-Fil-a's way better version? People still eat that and it's fucking hoooooorible.
(everyone nods their heads, applause roars, board meeting over)" Ladies and Gentlemen, Mighty Wings
Non-stop rain- It could be raining for 8,000 straight days and some jerk is going to say "well, we definitely need the rain". Do we, do we really? I don't own a house so all it does it make it so I can't go outside when the weather is nice because of the hordes of mosquitoes attacking my legs. If I wanted to live in a grey sky world I'd move to Seattle or the Mid West. Until then give me back my dry climate. Also, to all those climate change deniers- um... I think it's pretty evident our climate is changing from our actions. Go take that "climate is cyclical" argument Bill Jones and his DeVry Phd approved study to Rick Perry's dumb ass.
Family stick figure stickers- Can this go the way of the Baby on Board sign? Wow- you can procreate, and adopt a pet. I'm super proud of you random Tahoe driver lady. What's that, you have 4 kids a wife and 3 pets, looks like that Nissan Versa is a little too small and you're going to need to get another set of stickers when you join Tahoe lady up there... sigh.... I know there is a lack of originality in most people, hell one of my best friends named his dog Frisco after the city he lives in, but come one.
The word Blessed- Can't stand it. How many Creaster's (a term for people that only go to church on Christmas and Easter) out there have started dropping that word on a daily basis. It fits with people over the age of 65, but anyone else sounds uncomfortable in the usage of it. Even they know it. They say "Yesterday Tommy got an A in finger painting for kindergarten. We're blessed to have such a bright child" while looking at you in that re-assuring manner to see of they used the term properly. Well guess what, the definition is 'Made holy, consecrated, or of a sacred nature. Having a kid is not holy and that kid being able to dunk it's booger diggers into paint and smear it is something a dog can do So no, you did not. Nor did you use it correctly when you said we were blessed to receive free shots from the bartender.
The Speed Round:
Giant luggage style purses on women
Kiss FM
People who live in Kansas
Doing things just because it's tradition
Sepp Blatter
People that care about Miley Cyrus who aren't her family
Raising Cane's
Aeropostle Clothing- I don't have a good reason for this one, I just don't like it.
It's bed time for me and I'm going to read some more of 2666 by Roberto Bolano before I hit the hay. Ski ya guys later.
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